
JKWC Staff Members


 The Jane Kopas Women's Center is currently staffed by an Assistant Director of the Cultural Centers, a Graduate Assistant, work study students, and student interns.

Dr. Shaefny Grays, Assistant Dean for the Cultural Centers

Brandice Ricciardi, Assistant Director for the Cultural Centers

brandice-picture.jpgBrandice first joined the University in August of 2014 as a faculty specialist in the Counseling and  Human Services Department. Diversity, equity, inclusion and the creation of safe spaces have long been in her mind and heart as a professional  counselor, however, the opportunity to serve as a  counselor educator and engage with students as  they learn and grow was a career shift that deeply  impacted Brandice’s path. Brandice genuinely appreciates forming  connections with students and cultivating an atmosphere that students can work to develop a deeper awareness and appreciation of their own cultures, identities, and experiences and recognize how they shape their views of the world and of others.

Brandice joined the Cultural Centers team in August of 2022, and directly oversees the Jane Kopas Women’s Center. Her goal as one of the assistant directors of the Cultural Centers is to empower students to explore issues related to gender equity, advocacy, inclusion and justice. Brandice very much enjoys working collaboratively with the Multicultural Center to provide co-curricular education that combines academics and activism. Brandice is committed to fostering inclusive campus communities by helping students develop professional leadership skills to raise awareness as they engage these issues with self-determination, as allies and agents of change. brandice.ricciardi@scranton.edu

Luis Vasquez, Graduate Assistant



Areas of Study: Graduate Program for Rehabilitation Counseling  

Why I work in the Cultural Centers: I work at the cultural centers because it feels like home to me. I love the surprise that comes with each day. Everyone brings a different perspective and experience and I enjoy getting to know everyone. As well as spreading awareness on sensitive topics through educational programming. 

Social Movements I am Especially Interested In: I am interested in many social movements. Such as feminism the disability rights movement, and workers rights.

Molly Gaffney, Student Staff


Areas of Study: I am a marketing major with a concentration in Women's and Genders Studies. 

Why I work in the Cultural Centers: The JKWC is such a welcoming, accepting place on campus where I can advocate for my peers and learn more about diversity and inclusion. 

Social Movements I am Especially Interested In: I am especially interested in the women's right movement, regarding body autonomy and period poverty. 

Chanel Delgado, Student Staff


Areas of Study: Criminal Justice

Why I work in the Cultural Centers:  I want to build, support, and experience a comfortable, inclusive campus community. 

Now that I've been a working part of the cultural centers, I've identified what it takes to promote social justice. I hope to unite students from all backgrounds/cultures together in shared experiences. 


 Social Movements I am Especially Interested In: movement against apartheid ;indigenous land rights movement; environmentalism & conservation  juvenile/criminal justice systems reform.

Ariana Flores, Student Staff


Areas of Study: Counseling and Human Services

Why I work in Cultural Centers:  I work in the Cultural Centers because I’m able to connect with other students on campus who share a love for equity, inclusivity, and advocacy and explore a variety of topics I’m passionate about!

Social Movements I am Especially Interested In: Me Too Movement, Sexualization of other cultures, Toxic Masculinity, Mental Health Awareness

Madeline Ortiz , Student Staff



Areas of Study: Criminal Justice

Why I work in the Cultural Centers: I am a first generation student and daughter. I witnessed firsthand how difficult the world makes it for anyone who is part of the minority. From a young age, I saw how people have violated other people's human rights and that is something I cannot just sit around and do nothing about. The cultural center stands for issues, that I stand for, and I know working here will give me the opportunity to use my voice and help change the world for better bit by bit.

Social Movements I am Especially Interested In: Black Live Matter; Immigration Rights; LGBT+ Rights; Environmental Justice/Equality. 

Ashelly Alas Romero, Student Staff


 Areas of Study: Undecided- Education

Why I work in the Cultural Centers: 
I work in the JKWC because I love to educate others and vocalize my views in a respectful way. I want to be able to create projects/events about topics I am passionate about. 

Social Movements I am Especially Interested In:  
Feminism, Race, Immigration, Relationships with self and others, Health and Body image, Education.

Ben Burman, Student Staff



Area of Study:  Biochemistry.

Why I work in the Cultural Centers:  I work in the Cultural Centers because I want to do everything in my power to make scranton a welcoming place for all students.

Social Movements I am Especially Interested In: I’m specifically invested in supporting queer and disabled students, as well as any areas of intersectionality!

Jackie Venezia, Student Staff


Areas of study: I'm a psychology major with a minor in criminal justice. 

Why I work in the Cultural Centers: The centers provide a safe environment for students regardless of their background and providing that comfort is something I'm highly passionate about. I also love being able to educate myself and others about topics not always discussed. 

Social Movements I am especially interested in: Healthy relationships with yourself and others, LGBTQIA+ rights, mental health awareness, and the Women's Rights Movement. 

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